Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 7 Lecture - Creative Commons and Open Source

This weeks lecture focused on"Free Culture and Free Society" most specifically Creative Commons ( ) and Open source/free license software.

Creative Commons is a non-profit organisation that was formed in 2002. As far as I understand it, CC provides a license that allows people to distribute and share media as an alternative to conventional copyright where all rights are reserved. This means there is a way to get your work out there for others to see and allows others to work on manipulate it presumably for the better. Before the lecture I wasn't aware of Creative Commons, though I had seen the logo pasted in various places, so this was a nice eye opener to something good going on.

Open source software is something I have a little more experience in. Adam spoke about GNU and Linux mainly and a brief history, the idea of open source code and how it is written in Ruby.
The only experience I've had with open source operating systems is Red Hat and Knoppix, both of which result in my linux-savvy friends making fun of me. Homework was to use open source software for more than a week to see how we liked it. I've happy to say that for the last few years I've been using and neo office on my computers. And I just did a bit of research regarding Mozilla as I'm sure I was using it in high school ( pre 2003 and pre Firefox ) however I can only remember it being referred to as Firefox since using it, so I'm not entirely sure when I made the switch.

** Edit - I changed the position of the picture up the top, which looked a whole lot nicer on my nice white editing background.
I might hunt down a fresh one at a later date.

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